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InterIUT CTF: cybermalware [rev | 50 pts]

Christouffe a encore besoin de vous ! Il n’arrive pas à comprendre comment cette application reçoit des informations de son CnC. Déchiffrez les échanges que l’application réalise.

Some background

While reversing the first version of the binary, I noticed the native function wasn’t called/referenced anywhere in the code. I then proceeded to bother the challenge creator until I finally managed to force him to take a double check on the binary. It turns out he forgot to add one line which was the key to solving the challenge.

Yet another baby rev for native libraries

After skimming through the decompiled result from jadx, we can analyze that the application is supposed to act like a malicious apk which sends (sells) data to its command and control server.

From the test logs, we can see that the data being sent is actually the result of encode(data) and is being passed to the encrypt method with the key encode("serv.xyz"). After using apktool to get the apk resources, I opened the native library in ghidra.

It’s a fairly simple chain of xor operations which is easily reversible. We can then proceed to rewrite some of the java methods into a python script and create a decrypt function to retrieve the flag.