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NACTF: patches [rev]

Description to be added later

I liked this challenge as I was able to learn how to patch binaries using GHIDRA, a skill that will prove very useful in future reversing endeavours. First thing I did was to run the program (which only prints out ‘Goodbye.’), perform simple recon, then opened it using GHIDRA.

From what we can see, the main function just calls puts with ‘Goodbye.’ as its argument, but what’s interesting is there is a print_flag function that isn’t called. The challenge now becomes clear, we need to patch the puts call in a way that it calls print_flag instead (reversing print_flag will just be tedious). A resource that I used to solve this challenge and learn how to patch is this.

I then proceeded to nop out the instructions before the call and the part where it loads the argument into the register, then retrieved print_flag’s address from gdb and switched it on the call instruction. Below is a screenshot of how the assembly listing looks after the patch, we can compare it with the previous screenshot to see the difference.

Afterwhich I just continued doing the steps mentioned in the linked article, which then provided me with a patched version of the binary. Simply running the program prints out the flag for us.

$ ./patched_binary