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GRIMMCON CTF: axiom [android]

Decompiling the apk using jadx reveals that it is a react-native application. Since I have little knowledge regarding apps made with react-native/javascript, I will read more regarding the topic and maybe update this writeup when I understand it better.

What I did was to install the app into a physical device then explore what it does. Afterwhich, I extracted the app resources using apktool and took interest of the index.android.bundle bundle in the assets directory. Opening it with sublime text shows lots of javascript code which I beautified to make it easier to read.

I didn’t need to read all of the (thousands) lines to understand what it does, instead I searched for the string displayed from the app menu and found the password check logic.

Basically it connects to an endpoint and passes some hardcoded token. When we try to make a request to this endpoint and supply the same token, we can retrieve the flag.