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BsidesSF CTF: chargetracker [android | rev]

This challenge was a simple reversing challenge where the flag is hardcoded into the app’s string resources. We can simply decompile the apk to retrieve the xml files and submit the flag.

However, looking through the code, we see that a broadcast receiver is registered and if it receives an intent that states that the battery level is at 49%, it logs the flag. I then proceeded to find ways on how to send a broadcast intent using adb, which failed because the action android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED is protected and can only be sent by the system.

An alternative is to use the dumpsys command to set the battery level on the device. I learned this after asking the challenge author, Ms. Corgi. dumpsys is a tool that runs on Android devices and provides information about system services.

(bionic) blackb3ard@localhost: ~/platform-tools/adb shell
a10s:/ $ dumpsys battery set level 49

Running the above command changes the battery level on the device and activates the onreceive method of the receiver.